2018 Hurricane Florence Relief Effort

DTE Energy Foundation to Match Employee, Retiree, and Contractor Gifts Made Through the DTE Energy Employee Disaster Relief Fund

The DTE Energy Employee Disaster Relief Fund will accept gifts to support public charities providing relief to the victims of Hurricane Florence. To encourage support of these efforts, the DTE Energy Foundation will match donations by DTE employees, retirees, and contractors dollar for dollar. Gifts will be accepted from Tuesday, September 25, 2018, through Friday, October 12, 2018. Gifts will be accepted in amounts ranging from $10 to $1,000 per person.

To be eligible for matching funds, gifts must be made online by credit card to the DTE Energy Employee Disaster Relief Fund by visiting this site.  Gifts made directly to other relief efforts, while meaningful, will not be matched by the DTE Energy Foundation.

About Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence was the first major hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season, making landfall on September 13, 2018.  Despite landing as a weakened Category 1 hurricane, Florence still caused widespread damage and power outages throughout the Carolinas.  Florence’s forward motion was stalled for several days, and the storm continually dumped heavy rain along coastal areas. Coupled with a large storm surge, this caused widespread flooding along a wide stretch of the North Carolina coast.  Continued heavy rains caused widespread inland flooding as major rivers all spilled over their banks. Most major roads and highways in the area experienced some flooding, with many remaining impassable for days after the storm.  The large-scale flooding affected swaths of North Carolina’s agricultural industry and proved particularly damaging to livestock and farm infrastructure.  The storm also spawned tornadoes in several places along its path.  Many places received record-breaking rainfall, with more than 30 inches measured in some locations.  At least 40 deaths were attributed to the storm; and damage is currently estimated at more than $17 billion.  It is estimated that more than 8,000 people remain in shelters.

In the aftermath of the storm, more than 40,000 workers from across the U.S. and Canada went to the Carolinas to help restore power.  According to Edison Electric Inc., as of 6:00 p.m. on September 19, approximately 157,000 North Carolina customers were without power in the wake of Florence. Crews continue to work around the clock to restore power in safe places where conditions allow.  Impacted electric companies report that they already have restored power to more than 1.8 million customers since the storm began.

Your Support

The generosity of DTE Energy employees, retirees, and contractors is deeply appreciated.  The DTE Energy Foundation is grateful to be able to continue to match your caring support of those in need.  Ultimately, the charities providing relief services that will be supported through this matching gift opportunity will be recommended by an advisory committee to the fund.  The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan will help provide background information and guidance to that advisory committee as it makes its grant recommendations.

In order for your gift to be deductible, federal tax law requires that we notify you that your gift to the DTE Energy Employee Disaster Relief Fund is under the “exclusive legal control” of the Community Foundation. Please note that this mandatory notification does not alter the ability of the advisory committee to recommend grants from the fund. If the recommended organization loses its tax exempt status, has closed, or for some reason, your gift becomes impossible, impractical or illegal to fulfill, the Board of Trustees of the Community Foundation is required by law to use its variance power to support a similar cause or charitable purpose in line with the recommendation. Please contact us if you have any questions.