Charitable planning: A springboard for starting conversations

You’re certainly aware that talking about charitable giving is an important agenda item during client meetings, even with so many other topics you’ll need to cover. Attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors know that many, if not most, of their clients are charitably-inclined, and that best practices require that the topic of philanthropy be addressed in every planning discussion.
Sometimes, though, that’s easier said than done. It’s easier to bring up charitable giving when you can discuss it in the context of other important planning issues that are already top of mind for clients.
Here are examples of issues that make excellent jumping-off points for a philanthropy conversation:
- With the sunset of the estate tax exemption looming at the end of next year, you’re likely talking about estate and gift tax a lot more than you used to. It’s seamless to suggest charitable giving as an excellent tool to help blunt the effects of estate taxes that are set to impact many more taxpayers beginning in 2026.
- As you structure bequests to children and grandchildren in clients’ wills and trusts, be sure to ask clients if they’d like to leave a legacy to the community through charitable giving. Mention that the community foundation offers a wide variety of options to help support clients’ favorite causes in the most tax-efficient way possible.
- When you encounter a client who could benefit from a charitable tax deduction in the current year with the flexibility to support favorite charities now and in the future, please reach out to the community foundation. We can help!
- Keep a careful eye on clients who are in transition stages of life (empty nest, nearing retirement, updating an estate plan, or thinking ahead to selling a private company). Charitable planning through the community foundation is often an outstanding tool at these critical junctures.
- Watch for highly-appreciated stock in clients’ portfolios; these represent prime, tax-savvy charitable giving opportunities through the community foundation’s tools.
- Listen for clients who are especially concerned about keeping private the details of their philanthropy (whether all of it or some of it). The community foundation’s tools are ideal for these clients.
The team at the Community Foundation is here for you. We’d be honored to be your first call as you begin the journey of establishing a client’s charitable giving plans.