Field of Interest Funds

Support what you’re passionate about with an endowed field of interest fund

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What is an endowed field of interest fund?

An endowed field of interest fund is a special type of charitable fund that allows you to direct your giving to areas that align with your passions and values.

Whether you’re passionate about education, the arts, health, the environment, or any other cause, these funds are designed to address specific areas of community need over the long term.

Your contributions are invested, and the income generated is used to support programs and initiatives within your chosen field of interest.

This means your gift can continue to make a difference year after year.

Why Choose an Endowed Field of Interest Fund?

  • Long-Lasting Impact: Your donation helps build a permanent fund that supports the causes you care about indefinitely.
  • Focused Giving: You can target your support to specific areas that matter most to you, ensuring your philanthropy aligns with your values.
  • Community Benefit: By pooling resources with other like-minded donors, you amplify the impact of your gift, driving significant change in the community.
  • Flexibility: These funds are adaptable, allowing the Community Foundation to respond to emerging needs and opportunities within your chosen field of interest.

Impact you can see

From arts and culture to the environment and supporting women, our endowed field of interest funds provide funding for programs and initiatives across the region. Established by various donors, these funds are creating a lasting impact by allowing the Community Foundation the ability to meet both emerging and current needs.

Click in an area of interest to read stories about the impact we’re having on that cause:

Let us know how we can help you
and/or your organization make an impact on our region.