Let Us Help You Help Others

The Community Foundation helps individuals, businesses, and other foundations maximize their charitable impact.
This is especially important in a year when needs are great and many charities have never been more strained to meet demands. If you want to help with issues as they evolve, consider making a gift to the Community Foundation’s flexible endowment so your gift will support today’s needs, as well as those that emerge in the future.
Tremendous generosity has already helped countless individuals throughout the pandemic, but the challenges are going to be with us for months — and, in some ways, years — to come. As we all face these challenges together, you can make a difference.
Data shows that most charitable giving takes place in December — a busy time of year for many. But let us help you now. Whether you’re updating your estate plan or want to give more to charities this year, the Community Foundation can help.
If this is a good time to support causes you care about, you can also maximize your charitable deduction. Start a Donor Advised Fund with a gift now, and you can decide when and how much you want to support specific charities this year or in the future.
If you’re updating your estate plan, think about including charities you care about by including them in a bequest to the Community Foundation, and your gift will grow and continue in perpetuity.
If you would like advice on more charities to support, we can help you identify several that are in great need and doing important work.
The need is great, and you can make a difference.