Michigan Opioid Partnership

Webinar Recording & Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the recording of the grant application webinar and some of the commonly asked questions regarding the Michigan Opioid Partnership grant program. We will update this page with new questions as we receive them.

To submit a question that you do not see, please email swedepohl@cfsem.org

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Can a non-profit hospital partner with a for-profit hospital?

Yes, however, the for-profit hospital may not receive a grant and grant funding may not be used for services delivered in a for-profit hospital.


  • Can a non-profit hospital partner with a for-profit outpatient provider?

Yes, however, grant funding may not be used for services delivered by a for-profit provider.


  • Can telemedicine be used as part of the hospital treatment process?



  • Are there any guidelines for what outpatient partners must provide?

At a minimum, it is expected that medication-assisted treatment is provided. Outpatient providers with capacity to deliver behavioral and other care will make the application stronger.


  • Does this initiative focus only on opioids? What about other drugs?

All grantees must provide treatment for opioid use disorder.


  • The grants run from $200K to $400K. What will justify getting a larger grant?

The size of the hospital, past patient volume, complexity of the proposed program, need in the community are some of the criteria.


  • These grants run for 2 years. Please describe how the grants will be handled in the first and second year.

The initial grant awards are for 12 months. Funding in the second year will be less than or equal to initial award, depending on demonstrated progress and need.


  • What does “demonstrated readiness level” in the application mean?

The applicant hospital’s past experience with opioid use disorder, number of prepared staff, leadership commitment are some of the criteria.


  • Can we apply as a health system or only as an individual hospital?

Individual hospitals must apply but hospitals from the same system can also apply.


  • Does the project have to be sustained after the funding ends?

Sustainability is important. Applicants should develop and describe sustainability plans


  • Can funding be used for data collection and evaluation?

Yes, but the total should not be more than five percent of the grant funds


  • Can we apply for an OB-GYN department?



  • Are publicly-funded hospitals (e.g., county and VA) eligible to apply?


Webinar Recording