This story was originally published in our Spring 2021 REPORT Newsletter.
As we have collectively learned more about the COVID-19 pandemic, it remains clear that the dangers of the coronavirus increase with age.
According to the CDC, older adults are at greater risk of requiring hospitalization or dying if diagnosed with COVID-19.
Like nonprofits in other sectors, caregiver organizations have made changes to their health care delivery and business models to ensure the health and safety of the individuals they serve.
Organizations are implementing or expanding existing telehealth services, establishing mobile food banks, and collecting digital devices like laptops and iPads to provide isolated seniors with opportunities to connect with loved ones.
As many seniors look to secure vaccination appointments, caregivers are also often helping older adults sift through information and navigate confusing websites.
Through the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund for Caregivers, the Community Foundation awarded grants to 19 organizations supporting caregivers in the region.
Grants also went to groups working to meet other needs for older adults and to promote increased senior care.
Grants were made to address the impacts of COVID-19 and provide flexibility to organizations ranging from neighborhood-based groups to hospice care centers to those supporting caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.
Other recipients through the Wilson Legacy Caregivers grants include Livingston County Catholic Charities and the Area Agency on Aging 1-B.
Livingston County Catholic Charities operates a day program for persons with memory-related diseases and a free, bimonthly dementia-specific caregiver support group (with free respite care for their loved one).
The Area Agency on Aging 1-B continues to provide assistance with food and the delivery of essential items for seniors, people with disabilities, and caregivers during COVID-19.