Regional Economic Vitality
A strong economy is vital to every successful community. We are becoming a destination for many newcomers including entrepreneurs, immigrants, and millennials. The Community Foundation’s focus on attracting new residents, while still engaging long-term residents’
participation in the economic turnaround, is important for the region. Building upon and working with many charitable organizations, the Community Foundation focuses on the opportunities that result in more welcoming and vital communities.
This includes strong cultural institutions, creative and innovative projects, vibrant public spaces, and support systems for all residents. At the same time, the increased use of technology by businesses, communities, and individuals will speed the pace of change within our region. Everything from mobility, education, housing, and public spaces to arts, music, community engagement, and entertainment will see tremendous change.
Southwest Solutions
Strong and vital communities rely upon their leaders to foster neighborhood connections, expand opportunities, and increase civic engagement within their communities. The Community Foundation has supported several capacity building programs in Detroit, in partnership with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation. Building the capacity of staff allows organizations to make a greater impact in their communities. These programs focus on professional development to increase skills in organizations looking to grow their strategic vision and mission.
Southwest Solutions received $20,000 in 2016 to create and implement a cohort-based professional development training program. Office managers and administrative staff were able to benefit from this skill-building investment, and the training has put them on a pathway toward personal career advancement.
“To some, professional development and capacity building might seem unimportant,” says Steve Ragan, senior vice president for development and external relations at Southwest Solutions, “but training like this, which is often neglected at nonprofits, has directly impacted our ability to deliver services effectively and efficiently.”
You can read more on our programs and grants in the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan 2017 Yearbook.