On the Road: The Clean Slate Initiative Annual Convening

By Meg Galindo, Senior Manager, Michigan Justice Fund
In June Josie Graham, MJF Program Assistant, and I had the pleasure of attending the annual Clean Slate Initiative (CSI) 2024 Annual Convening for two days of workshops, presentations, and networking events. Over 300 advocates from across the country gathered in Philadelphia to discuss strategies for passing, implementing, and improving clean slate laws related to record expungement and sealing.
Why Clean Slate?
Clean slate laws can drastically reduce barriers for formerly incarcerated people by clearing certain criminal records that might prevent people from earning a quality job or securing housing. In Michigan, Clean Slate was enacted in 2021 with automatic expungements of records beginning in 2023. However, the real impact of these laws only comes with rigorous compliance and accountability measures. For instance, Michigan currently lacks a notification system or central portal where people can verify whether their records have been expunged. Consequently, individuals may still be disclosing a criminal record on housing and employment applications, even if their record has been cleared. To better understand these challenges and explore recommendations for improvement, we recommend reading the Clean Slate Year 3 report from MJF grantee Safe & Just Michigan.
Learning Together at CSI 2024
The CSI team developed a robust agenda that brought in leaders in policy, implementation, technology, and communications. Our first session, The Reason Why, provided a platform for advocates to discuss their work and why they do it. These speakers, along with many others throughout the convening, were system impacted. Their deep understanding of clean slate implementation challenges and of the liberatory potential of these laws further demonstrates why it is important to have directly impacted people on the front lines of these fights.
Another highlight of the conference came from Sharon Deitrich of Community Legal Services of Philadelphia who led participants through a session about the success of Clean Slate in Pennsylvania and the processes to update those laws. The state has now passed and enacted Clean Slates 2.0 and 3.0, which removed court fees as a barrier to expungement, expanded eligibility, and shortened timelines to record clearance. Pennsylvania’s work on this was particularly inspiring as it provided a road map that I hope Michigan can follow to continue improving our own laws.
Beyond the conference rooms, CSI 2024 provided plenty of time to network and catch up with old friends! Our state was well represented and we got to see Michiganders from Safe & Just Michigan, Michigan Liberation, Nation Outside, and Dream.Org. A reception at a local club allowed us to meet even more people, hear from long-time advocates, and listen to some great music.
The power of being in community and movement with people from across the country stood out to me the most at the Clean Slate Initiative Conference. It takes all stakeholders from all walks of life to pass life-changing legislation like Clean Slate. – Josie Graham, MJF Program Assistant
Creating Opportunities at Down North Pizza
On our way out of town, Josie and I stopped at Down North Pizza for some amazing pizza and lemonade. Located in North Philly, Down North exclusively employs formerly incarcerated individuals at fair wages to provide pathways into culinary careers and reduce common barriers that people face. Beyond making delicious pizza and creating employment opportunities, Down North also supports formerly incarcerated people with housing, legal representation, and transportation. We hope to see more businesses like this that can help pave brighter and more equitable futures for us all!