Here are a few key facts about applications to the Youth Leadership Fund:
- Grants generally range in size from $2,500 to $20,000 and are made twice a year
- Grants are made only to youth-led programs, meaning that youth are involved in the vision for the project, the development of the application, and will be involved in implementing the work if a grant is received; it’s great if the youth have adult allies who are assisting or supporting them in their effort, but youth must be involved for a grant to be considered
- Proposed projects should enhance young people’s knowledge of critical issues facing southeast Michigan
- Proposed projects should strengthen existing partnerships or promote new partnerships that can bring together young people of different backgrounds
- School districts may apply in addition to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations; thus, if a group of youth is working within their school to better their community in some way, the district may apply for support for the project
- Applications will be reviewed by a group of young people the Community Foundation oversees called the Youth Advisory Committee; they make grant recommendations to the Community Foundation’s Board
- Important Note: You must be registered in our online grants management system, Fluxx, in order to begin an application. If you think you will apply for a grant, you should go on the site now and register your organization. Registration only needs to happen once, but is required before you can submit an application.