Born in 1921, Jeptha Ward Schureman served in World War II and had a successful legal career in Detroit. In 2005, the Community Foundation received $1.7 million dollars from his estate to endow a scholarship fund. He stipulated that it be used to support fatherless students in southeast Michigan who are studying law, medicine, dentistry, nursing or related professions. In just over ten years, the Community Foundation has awarded 96 Schureman Scholarships totaling $696,000.
Samuel D. Panicacci (above) is a 2016 Schureman scholarship winner. Nineteen now, he lost his father when he was 14. Samuel continued his studies at Whitmore Lake High School, taking on leadership roles and maintaining a 3.92 grade point average. Samuel is now a sophomore at Western Michigan University majoring in music therapy. He credits his late grandfather, a jazz musician, with fostering his love of music.
To learn more about the many scholarships available at the Community Foundation, contact:
Lenzi Abma
313.961.6675, ext. 134