Downloads of past yearbooks, newsletters, financial information, grantee resources, and more.
Support for Parks and Trails Honors Ralph C. Wilson, Jr.
This story first appeared in the Winter 2018 REPORT Newsletter In honor of the 100th anniversary of Ralph C. Wilson, Jr.’s birth, the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation is investing $200...
Cobo Center Fresco Celebrates Region’s Rich History
This story first appeared in the Winter 2018 REPORT Newsletter In an effort to share the region’s culture, history and accomplishments with Cobo Center’s 1.4 million annual visitors, the Community Foundation...
Fostering Arts Engagement
This story first appeared in the Winter 2018 REPORT Newsletter From traditional performing arts to child education programs to the revival of letterpress printing, the arts are thriving in southeast Michigan....
The Power of Endowment: An Enduring Legacy
Endowments are a powerful way for a donor to make an impact in the community focusing on the causes they care about. Many of the Community Foundation’s endowed funds carry...
Foundation Scholarships: Wide-Ranging and Far-Reaching
From a hillside Italian village to an economic club, southeast Michigan students are reaping the fruit of generations before them who wanted to give back. The Community Foundation has a...
Investing in Talent, Near and Far
Supporting Existing Local Talent Talent development is crucial to a healthy economy and the region. The Community Foundation understands that, in addition to attracting new talent to our growing and...
Supporting Our Aging Population
Currently in southeast Michigan, 14.2 percent of residents are 65 or older; by 2030, this population is projected to grow to 25 percent. The aging population is creating new challenges...