Chelsea Community Foundation Awards $84K in Grants Chelsea Community Foundation

The Chelsea Community Foundation (CCF) is providing grants totaling $83,796 to four local Chelsea Nonprofits.
Organizations receiving grants are:
- Chelsea Athletic Boosters in support of an outdoor training facility to be used by Chelsea student athletes – $25,000.
- Chelsea District Library in support of the mobile library that will increase community access to staff, technology, and services – $25,000.
- Chelsea Education Foundation in support of software expenses associated with ongoing donor management, including alumni – $8,856.
- Chelsea Senior Citizens Activities Center in support of a program to reduce the social and physical isolation that senior people experience – $24,940.
The process for grant awards begins with applicants registering with CCF, including information about financial reviews and audits to ensure the efficacy of the applying organization.
The application is then reviewed by Greg Yankee Program Director and ultimately presented to the Chelsea Community Foundation Advisory Committee. The requests are fully vetted and the CCF Advisory Committee then recommends the awards to the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan who takes action at its board meeting. CCF is an affiliate of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan.
The application and grant award timeline is typically four months from the application deadlines which are twice per year – Feb. 15 and Aug.15.
“These grants will be truly appreciated by many in our community,” Board Chair Anne Mann said in a press release, “They also show the value of building an endowment for Chelsea that can support the local community in ways that will truly help to maintain a sustainable community.”
Chelsea District Library (CDL) Director Lori Coryell said, “We have been considering the concept of a mobile library since I came to Chelsea seven years ago. Today, we are beyond excited that it is actually happening. We wanted to create a mobile library experience that replicates as many of the bricks and mortar library experiences as possible, without the bricks and mortar. We appreciate the support of the community, it has been overwhelming, from all of the townships, the city, and all of our patrons.”
Virginia Krueger, CDL communication coordinator, said, “The first mobile library was created in 1905 for Washington County Public Library in Maryland. It was as important then as it is today, to reach as many people as possible to encourage literacy. Mobile CDL builds on this tradition of public libraries bringing books and interpersonal connections, but includes so much more. Onboard technology will allow it to act as a roving hotspot with mobile office solutions for those communities who do not yet have broadband access.”
Chelsea Community Foundation relies on the generosity of donors in the Chelsea area to realize its mission.
Donors who are interested in supporting are encouraged to do so by contacting Randy Ross, or 313-946-2867 or visit
For 27 years, the Chelsea Community Foundation has been providing financial support to nonprofit organizations through a wide variety of activities benefiting education, arts, and culture, enrichment programs for children and seniors, training for caregivers, outdoor trails in the community, leadership development, capacity building, health and human services, community development, and civic affairs.
About the Chelsea Community Foundation:
The Chelsea Community Foundation is a permanent charitable endowment totaling more than $2.9 million created through gifts from generous individuals, families, and businesses who care about Chelsea. The Chelsea Community Foundation has provided more than $1.9 million in grants to nonprofit organizations working to address community needs and opportunities that improve the quality of life in the City of Chelsea and surrounding areas. The Chelsea Community Foundation is an affiliate of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. For more information, please visit