Grant Opportunities

Rapid Response Grant Program

Support for time-sensitive resource needs or strategic opportunities.

Rapid Response Grant Program

Advancing Equity and Economic Mobility

This program will provide either general operating or project-specific support.

Advancing Equity and Economic Mobility

Re-Entry and Workforce Development RFP

Grants will prioritize innovative, scalable strategies that increase opportunities for system-involved people, inclusive of formerly incarcerated people, to achieve economic mobility.

Re-Entry and Workforce Development RFP

Michigan Justice Fund Advancing Equity and Economic Mobility | Submission Deadline is March 14

Through the Michigan Justice Fund Advancing Equity and Economic Mobility Grant Program, we aim to add capacity to organizations and efforts focused on dismantling systems of mass incarceration and tackling inequities in the criminal legal system across the state.  

The Michigan Justice Fund is interested in innovative strategies developed that have the potential for local, regional, or statewide impact, dramatically shifting the way our state responds to social harms and challenges. We anticipate that up to $1,500,000 will be awarded in this grant cycle. 

There are two (2) types of grants that may be funded under this RFP:

  • Project support— grants up to $200,000 for a 24-month project periods.
  • General operating— grants up to $200,000 for 24-month periods.

Grant Timeline

  • February 24, 2025: Request for LOIs opens (submit via email to
  • March 14, 2025: Deadline to submit your LOI
  • Week of April 7, 2025: Notification of Application Invitation
  • Week of April 7, 2025: Application Invitation
  • Week of May 26, 2025: Award Notification 


For more information on important deadlines and how to apply, read our LOI Guidelines. 

On February 18, the MJF team held an information session to discuss this grant opportunity. If you were not able to attend, you can view the recording online and download slides from the presentation. 

Additionally, we developed a FAQ based on questions we’ve received from partners. Download our Advancing Equity and Economic Advancement FAQ to learn more. 

If you still have questions, you can drop into office hours March 3, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm and March 10, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm. We will be able to answer technical questions you might have about the process and offer general information about the program. This is a completely optional resource. Attendance or non-attendance will not impact the competitiveness of your LOI. 


Michigan Justice Fund Re-Entry and Workforce Development RFP | Application is now closed.

The Innovation in Re-Entry and Workforce Development Grants will prioritize innovative, scalable strategies that increase opportunities for system-involved people, inclusive of formerly incarcerated people, to achieve economic mobility.

The Michigan Justice Fund is interested in strategies developed with direct input from system-involved people that have the potential for local, regional, or statewide impact, as well as the increased investment or reallocation of public funds. The Michigan Justice Fund anticipates that up to $1,500,000 will be awarded in this grant cycle.

There are three (3) types of grants that may be funded under this RFP:

  • Planning — grants up to $100,000 for a 12-month planning process.
  • Implementation — grants up to $400,000 for 24-month project periods.
  • Capacity Building — grants up to $400,000 for 24-month project periods.

Grant Timeline

  • September 16, 2024: Application opens
  • September 25, 2024: Information session questions are due. Please submit questions by emailing
  • October 21, 2024: Deadline to register in online grant system, if you are not already registered.
  • October 31, 2024 at 5 p.m.: Application closes

For more information on important deadlines and how to apply, read our Grant Guidelines.

FAQ & Information Session

On September 30, the MJF team held an information session to discuss this grant opportunity. If you were not able to attend, you can view the recording online and download slides from the presentation.

Additionally, we developed a FAQ based off of questions submitted by community members. Download our Re-Entry and Workforce Development FAQ to learn more.



Michigan Justice Fund Rapid Response Grant Program

The Michigan Justice Fund’s Rapid Response Grant program will provide Michigan-based advocacy and direct service delivery organizations with funds to support time-sensitive resource needs or strategic opportunities, which advance the primary mission of the Fund and improve Michigan’s justice reform movement infrastructure and collaboration.

Our desire is to provide funding support in a timely manner that may not otherwise be considered through standard foundation grant application processes.

Requests that align with one or more of the following three categories will be considered:

  • Urgent organizational and collaborative movement responses to a crisis or unanticipated event.
  • Time-sensitive planning and coordination needs in response to strategic opportunities.
  • Incubation or testing of new ideas, which may have the potential for medium-term impact but lack evidence required from standard foundation grant application processes.

Grants of $1,500 – $10,000 will be made on a rolling basis over the next two years. There is no deadline to submit an application, and applications will be reviewed and responded to within 30 days of submission.

Grant examples and more information on how to apply are included in the Grant Guidelines.

Download the Grant Guidelines

Michigan Justice Fund Fellowship Grants | Application is closed

We are seeking applications for the Michigan Justice Fund Fellowship grant program, which is designed to give capacity to organizations and efforts focused on dismantling systems of mass incarceration in the state. We are seeking to provide grant funding to nonprofit organizations/government agencies that are supporting individuals who are engaging in work addressing issues across the criminal legal system in Michigan.

The MJF Fellowship grant program will fund fellowships across Michigan at nonprofit organizations or government agencies. Organizations can apply for a $5,000 grant (which should be used entirely for the fellow’s stipend), plus additional administrative costs, up to $1,000, totaling a request up to $6,000 per organization.

For more information on important deadlines and how to apply, read our Grant Guidelines.



Please sign up for updates to learn about upcoming opportunities.

Questions? Feel free to contact

Ashley Carter