Dr. Glenda Price and the importance of supporting philanthropy
“I’m always interested in how a grant from the Community Foundation will have a broad impact. I try to think about the greatest number of people, as well as the areas that have the greatest need,” Dr. Glenda Price says.
Price is a longtime supporter of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, who has served on the Board of Trustees since 2008, established two donor-advised funds and regularly gives to the organization’s operating endowment.
“I want to have the greatest possible impact where I think that it will truly make a difference. My funds are modest, but they still have impact. I want to make sure that the giving that I direct from those funds is going to really matter to the organizations that I give it to.
A recent example I had an interaction with was Heritage Works (a Detroit-based nonprofit). They do community projects in the arts and culture space. I made a grant to them. They have been so grateful because it came out of the blue. They didn’t know it was coming. I think I’ve gotten half a dozen thank-yous from students who are in their program and from the CEO.
It was so unexpected that that $1,000 would have that level of impact. You think of $1,000 as being a modest grant. But, for Heritage Works, it had a significant impact. I find that kind of thing very rewarding and appreciate the fact that I can have that kind of an impact with the modest dollars I have.
You really do need to think about the future. Even with the modest funds that I have, they can go on into the future and will support individuals, programs and ideas that I can’t conceive of right now,” Price says. “To think that I’m going to have an impact long beyond me is certainly intriguing.”
On why she gives to the Community Foundation’s Now and Forever Fund, Dr. Price said, “The work has to get done, it’s as simple as that. You need to make sure that the funding for that work does not come out of the dollars that you want to give to the community. So, it’s a natural expectation that those of us who are involved would support the work. It just is a straightforward expectation: The staff at the Community Foundation is working on my behalf and, as a result, I then have to contribute to ensuring that that work continues.”
We’re grateful for Dr. Price for adding her voice to the Voices of Change. You can join Dr. Price and others in sustaining a legacy of positive change by donating to the Community Foundation Endowment and ensure a brighter future for southeast Michigan.
Making a gift to the Community Foundation’s Now and Forever Fund ensures we’ll have the talented people, up-to-date technology and community presence required to promote equity and ensure southeast Michigan is a desirable place to live, work and play for generations to come.
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