The Michigan Opioid Partnership is a public-private collaborative including the State of Michigan and key philanthropic organizations (listed below) who share the goal of decreasing Michigan opioid overdoses and deaths.
Our aim is to increase access to treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder, which requires a multi-dimensional approach. The partnership helps hospitals and jails refine the process of identifying people with opioid use disorder during hospital visits and at jail intake and encourages them to initiate treatment via medication for opioid use disorder. The partnership also supports harm reduction efforts and advocates for cultural change to help individuals with opioid use disorder gain access to treatment.
To date, funding has supported Michigan hospital systems, jails, community foundations, and local nonprofits to pilot projects to combat the opioid crisis through prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and sustained recovery. As a result, people across the state of Michigan are beginning to receive increased access to lifesaving, evidence-based treatment and care.
Our History
In 2017, five health-focused, Michigan-based funders joined to create an initiative to help address the opioid epidemic through prevention, harm reduction, and treatment provision. The project, “Taking Action on Opioid and Prescription Drug Abuse in Michigan by Supporting Community Responses,” funded community coalitions with action plans to combat the effect of opioid and prescription drug misuse in their communities. In 2018, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and additional funders joined the initiative, and the project became known as the Michigan Opioid Partnership. Over time, the Michigan Opioid Partnership has evolved into a group of funders who are dedicated to addressing the opioid crisis through a flexible working group approach. Some efforts that we tackle involve all of the partners and others are on our own. But we hold the shared goals of exchanging information, strategizing and communicating often, no matter how closely we work with one another.
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan is home to the Michigan Opioid Partnership. And, like our partners, we sometimes manage projects that are independent of our peers, but are aligned with the partnership’s goals. Two examples of Community Foundation driven projects are the Emergency Department – Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Project and Addressing Racial Disparities in Opioid Treatment Project, which is generously funded by Vital Strategies.
Michigan Opioid Partnership
Grant applications are accepted by invitation only.
Strategic Partners
Health Initiatives Team
Emily Angyal, MSW
Project Manager, Health and Human Services Initiatives
Emily manages projects at the foundation focused on opioids and policy change, and serves as an advisor to our human services grantmaking.
Lisa Jones, MPA
Program Associate, Health and Human Services Initiatives
Lisa works on all aspects of our health and human services grantmaking and co-manages multiple special initiatives focused on health equity.
Hannah McLaughlin, MSW
Program Officer, Health and Human Services Initiatives
Hannah leads our health and human services grantmaking and leads a number of projects focused on achieving equitable impact in our region.
Marissa Natzke, MPH, RD
Senior Project Manager, Health and Human Services Initiatives
Marissa leads our opioid initiatives and provides strategic advising on multiple health initiatives and grantmaking at the foundation.
Carmen Thomas
Consultant, Health and Human Services Initiatives
Carmen leads guidance on compliance and financial technical assistance to our opioid project grantees.
Sarah Wedepohl, MSW
Vice President, Program
Sarah leads the foundation’s grantmaking and programmatic strategies with a focus on equity and community impact.
Clinical Consultants
Dominic Borgialli, DO, MPH
Hurley Medical Center
Christina Eickenroth, RN, CARN
Munson Medical Center
Maureen Ford, MD
Bronson Healthcare
Andrew King, MD
Detroit Medical Center
Jacob Manteuffel, MD
Henry Ford Hospital
Cara Poland, MD, MEd
Spectrum Health Grand Rapids
Michigan Opioid Co-Chairs
Audrey Harvey, MPH, CPS
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation
Becky Cienki, MPH
Michigan Health Endowment Fund
Have questions for our team? Contact us at
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If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid use disorder, visit