The State of Michigan will receive approximately $1.6 billion in opioid settlement funds over 18 years, with approximately 50 percent of the settlement directed to the state government and approximately 50 percent directed to county and local governments.
Michigan Opioid Partnership Receives Opioid Settlement Funds for ED MOUD
In 2024, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) awarded the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan’s Michigan Opioid Partnership $1 million from the opioid settlement funds. With support from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association (MHA) Keystone Center, New Detroit, Public Sector Consultants, and our Clinical Consultant team, we utilized this funding to further the work around the ED MOUD Initiative in three ways:
- Offered free technical assistance to all hospitals and emergency medicine providers across Michigan.
- Developed and provided written materials and free trainings, including Just Care®: Opioid, to over one hundred providers.
- Convened a stakeholder workgroup and developed policy and procedural recommendations to improve the long-term financial model and practice of ED MOUD.
In 2025, the Michigan Opioid Partnership received carry forward approval from MDHHS to use remaining funds to continue to engage medical professionals, funders, and state and local partners to improve access to treatment and care in the emergency department for those with opioid use disorder. Over the next year, we will continue to offer free technical assistance, training, and on-demand resources to support hospitals with implementing best practice opioid use disorder care processes. In addition, we will collaborate with MDHHS to try to implement the policy and procedural recommendations mentioned above to drive longer term, system improvements.
Individualized Technical Assistance
Individualized Technical Assistance
On-Demand Resources
On-Demand Resources
Systems Improvement
Systems Improvement
Endowment for Michigan’s Opioid Settlement Funds
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, which manages the Michigan Opioid Partnership has a longstanding history of supporting efforts to address opioid use disorder. Your community can consider partnering with the Community Foundation to create an endowment to support needs in your community in perpetuity.
To discuss endowment opportunities for your community, please email us at
Key Informational Resources
Michigan Opioid Settlements
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
This state website provides information about how Michigan opioid settlement funds are being invested as well as public funding opportunities.
Michigan Opioid Settlements
Opioid Settlement Resource Center
The Michigan Association of Counties
This website includes information on settlement tracking, local data, spending recommendations, technical assistance providers, and a resource library.
Opioid Settlement Resource Center
Guide for Community Advocates on the Opioid Settlement
Vital Strategies
This Michigan fact sheet provides information on Michigan’s opioid settlement allocation, decision-making process, and information on how to engage in the process.
Guide for Community Advocates on the Opioid Settlement
Opioid Settlement Tracker
Vital Strategies and Christine Minhee
This website includes a groundbreaking set of comprehensive guides on opioid settlement funds for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Opioid Settlement Tracker
Michigan Opioid Advisory Commission
This website documents the activities of the Commission, including member information and meeting minutes.
Michigan Opioid Advisory Commission
Michigan Department of Attorney General
This website has more information about Michigan’s opioid settlement, including a payment estimator.
Michigan Department of Attorney General
Principles for the Use of Funds
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
This JHSPH planning- and process-level guidance for state and local policymakers shares how to effectively spend money from the opioid settlements.
Principles for the Use of Funds
Opioid Solutions: Approved Strategies
The National Association of Counties (NACo)
This website includes 25 high-impact, NACo identified strategies that are under county authority and briefing documents for each strategy.
Opioid Solutions: Approved Strategies
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If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid use disorder, visit