The State of Michigan will receive $776 million in Opioid Settlement Funds over 18 years, with 50 percent of the settlement directed to county and local governments.
Magnify the Impact of Opioid Settlement Funds with Endowment
A Strategy for Local Communities
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, which manages the Michigan Opioid Partnership has a longstanding history of supporting efforts to address opioid use disorder. Your community can consider partnering with the Community Foundation to create an endowment to support needs in your community in perpetuity.
Investment in the Community Foundation’s endowment can provide a better return with lower administrative costs through economies of scale. The settlement funds are invested in a pool of assets to provide for growth over time. A portion of the endowment is made available for charitable purposes annually, which allows for impact in communities in perpetuity. Permanent capital helps nonprofits and local governments plan for a stable and secure future.
To discuss endowment opportunities for your community, please email us at
Our Impact in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic
- Over $7 million granted to communities to address urgent and emerging needs
- Supported half of all emergency departments in Michigan to increase access to evidence-based treatment for OUD
- Worked with counties across Michigan to implement jail-based treatment efforts
- Inform policy and system changes by sharing information and best practices with local, state and national leaders and decision-makers
- Represent Michigan in a national network of leaders such as Vital Strategies, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
“Ensuring that funds from the opioid lawsuits are being used to help people who use drugs is easier if dollars…go into a dedicated fund. When establishing such a fund, jurisdictions should include specific language that the money from the fund cannot be used to replace existing state investments and outline the acceptable uses of the dollars when establishing this fund.” The Principles for the Use of Funds from the Opioid Litigation Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
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If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid use disorder, visit