The Michigan Opioid Partnership offers a free technical assistance team available to Michigan hospitals and healthcare providers. Our team of local clinical consultants has first-hand experience in establishing substance use disorder care protocols in hospitals and emergency departments across the State of Michigan. Take advantage of these services to improve patient care and respond to the opioid crisis effectively.
Request for Technical Assistance
Clinical Consultants
Dominic Borgialli, DO, MPH
Hurley Medical Center
Christina Eickenroth, RN, CARN
Munson Medical Center
Maureen Ford, MD
Bronson Healthcare
Andrew King, MD
Detroit Medical Center
Jacob Manteuffel, MD
Henry Ford Hospital
Earn Free CME Credits for MOUD
Visit our website for free MOUD training videos designed to help healthcare providers improve care for patients with opioid use disorder.
Many videos qualify for continuing medical education (CME) credits and meet the DEA eight-hour training requirement for treating opioid and substance use disorders.
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If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid use disorder, visit