Kenneth C. Fischer Receives 2012 Noland Award

Kenneth C. Fischer, president of the University Musical Society (UMS) was awarded the 2012 Mariam C. Noland Award for Nonprofit Leadership. Under Fischer’s leadership, UMS has greatly expanded and diversified its arts presentation and education programs and audiences. In addition to deepening the organization’s engagement with area colleges and universities, UMS has created relationships with leading corporations, arts organizations, area public and private schools and community organizations. Fischer has helped bring national and international attention to UMS and southeast Michigan through programs such as three residencies with the Royal Shakespeare Company that drew visitors from 39 states and five countries, and a concert with Leonard Bernstein and the Vienna Philharmonic during Bernstein’s 70th birthday tour.
Fischer’s exemplary leadership includes service on the boards of many regional, national and international nonprofit organizations, including the International Society for the Performing Arts, Chamber Music America, the Cultural Alliance for Southeast Michigan and Ann Arbor SPARK. He is esteemed for his mentorship of young professionals and has served as cultural ambassador to Brazil, China, Lithuania and Mexico through the U.S. State Department.