Expanding Storytelling Workshops for Community Members

Riverwise Magazine, in partnership with the James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership, has received a second Detroit Journalism Engagement Fund grant of $15,000 to improve and...

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In General

Outlier delivers critical information through text messaging

Innovative news outlets around the country are looking at Outlier Media’s creative use of text messaging to connect Detroit residents to news and information about their communities. Outlier, which received...

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In General

Islandview home to new Neighborhood Reporting Initiative

Detroit Public Television, in partnership with Community Development Advocates of Detroit (CDAD) and the Tuxedo Project, received $50,000 to further develop the “Other Detroit” program. The program, which launched in...

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In General

Tostada uses food journalism to amplify broad range of voices

Serena Maria Daniels spent years working as a daily newspaper reporter writing about immigration and politics and doing her best to highlight the untold stories of people in the communities...

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In General

Grant supports citizen blogger network development

Detour Detroit, in partnership with Tech Town, received $46,000 from the Detroit Journalism Engagement Fund to develop a community engagement strategy and to expand a fellowship program designed to tell...

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In General

Local public meetings are a scrape and a tap away NeimanLab

“The goal is not to produce content for media outlets. It’s to repair broken bridges with local government, to get people to the meetings, get their voices heard, and figure...

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In In The News

More than $11 million in grants announced

The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan announced more than $11 million in grants to organizations and initiatives primarily within southeast Michigan’s seven counties in areas including the arts, education, health,...

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In Press Release

Opportunities for Strategic Support of Detroit’s Young Children

This month, Detroit’s key Head Start agencies will submit applications to “re-compete” for federal dollars for this critical and comprehensive early childhood program. While the quest for these dollars is...

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In General

Community Foundation Head Start grants to boost teacher recruitment and retention

Eight organizations in three southeast Michigan counties are receiving $1.1 million in grants from the Community Foundation’s Head Start Innovation Fund. The grants will support the organizations’ recompetition for federal...

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In General,Press Release

Freedom of information: New project aims to help Detroiters use public records law The Detroit Free Press

“Journalists talk a lot about the Freedom of Information Act. It’s a key way that we hold our governments accountable. Free Press journalists recently used Michigan’s Freedom of Information law...

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In In The News