Showing: Focus Area - Health & Wellness
Collaboration Builds Sustainable Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Michigan Hospitals
Patient Success and Cultural Change Give Providers Hope
Harm Reduction: A Pathway to Prevention and Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
One Hospital’s Approach to Building MOUD Sustainability
Inpatient MOUD Programs: An Option for Bringing Care Full Circle
Warm Handoffs Improve Treatment Outcomes
Increasing Post-Overdose Treatment Options in the Emergency Department
A Powerful Resource for Emergency Department Clinicians in Making a Difference in the Opioid Epidemic
Companions on the Road to Recovery: The Role of Peer Coaches
Detroit Helps 10 Professional Theaters Innovate during a time of turbulence
SportPort Encourages Youth in Our Region to Stay Active and Healthy
Supporting Behavioral and Mental Health